Tuesday 29 March 2016


Did you know that paradise exists on earth ? It's called Maupiti and is a small island with a perimeter of only 9km. Here everything is restful, authentic, laid back. We were lucky enough to spend 5 days and nights here, mollycoddled by our fantastic hosts Ludo and Moyra, and relaxing in the most wonderful scenery ever. This was our favourite in all of our Polynesian trip. Walking across the crystal clear lagoon to a desert island on the other side, spotting a sea turtle on the way (we were very lucky), having lunch at our local beach shack, organising hermit crab races, cycling round the island, the wind in our hair and the heady perfume of tiaré flowers in our nostrils (much better than the rotten eggs of Rotorua), talking to the locals, climbing hills to jawdrop at the amazing views of the lagoon below, swimming with huge manta rays - a unique experience, savouring a lunch of exquisite grilled lobster on a motu, chatting with Ludo and Moyra and learning about life on the island while lapping up their local cuisine . Yes, this is paradise alright ......mauruuru Ludo et Moyra ! 

Saviez-vous que le paradis existe sur terre ? Ca s'appelle Maupiti et c'est une petite île de seulement 9km de périmètre. Ici tout est tranquille, cool, tout est authentique. Nous avons eu la chance d'y passer 5 jours et nuits, chouchoutés par nos merveilleux hôtes Ludo et Moyra, en faisant du farniente dans un paysage de rêve. C'est l'étape préférée de notre périple polynésien. Traverser à pied dans l'eau limpide du lagon jusqu'à l'île déserte en face, apercevant une tortue de mer en route (nous avons eu beaucoup de chance), déjeuner au petit snack de la plage, organiser des courses de bernard l'hermite, faire le tour de l'île en vélo, le vent dans nos cheveux, le parfum enivrant des fleurs de tiaré dans nos narines (c'est mieux que l'œuf pourri de Rotorua), papoter avec les locaux, grimper des collines pour admirer la vue époustouflante du lagon en bas, nager avec d'énormes raies manta, une expérience unique, savourer un déjeuner de langoustes grillées, exquis, parler avec Ludo et Moyra de leur vie, de l'île tout en se régalant de leur bonne cuisine locale. Oui, c'est sur, c'est bien ici le paradis..... mauruuru Ludo et Moyra !



OMG it was sooo good / C'était somptueux !



                       With Ludo and Moyra and Kevin and Mareva who were also staying




  1. Effectivement, le paradis doit ressembler à la Polynésie... ;)
    Comment avez vous eu le courage d'en partir ???

  2. Oh wow! Paradise indeed. I'm repeating myself again, but some stunning photos here!

  3. And to think that I thought India was going to be your highlight.

    1. By the way, India is still a highlight. Everywhere is a highlight in fact. That is what is so special about our journey, just when you think you can't see anything more beautiful, you see something else, just as beautiful, but in a different way...

  4. ....just checked Google Map. You are over the Dateline and now further east than Hawaii. Wow. You've travelled hunners and hunners of miles

    1. Yep, and we had 2 x 6th March this year. Very strange indeed !

  5. photos EPOUSTOUFLANTES, décor paradisiaque, féerique .... merveilleux !!!
    c est sublime, les adjectifs ne manquent pas ..... régalez vous bien au paradis .. sur terre !!!!
    merci de partager !!!

  6. It feels like ages ago since we've met in India. This pictures, amazing!!!! Happy to see and read you're all doing great :)

    Kindest regards from NL, Jim & Annet

    1. Hi Guys ! So good to hear from you ! We got your change of address email - hope you have settled back into the Netherlands and that all is well with you ? As you can see we are still having a fabulous time. You are right, India is already in the distant past.....we have done and seen so much since then, but our camel safari still remains a favourite ! Take care and hope to see you sometime soon in the South of France ???

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