Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Kumbhalgarh Fort

 After the beautiful but somewhat noisy city of Udaipur (the Indians like their horns !), we were looking forward to some peace and quiet in the countryside. We drove through some lovely scenery to get to Kumbhalgarh observing the work in the fields and the villages along the way.

Kumbhalgarh itself is an amazing place - a huge and defensive fortress built in the 15th century in a remote and splendid hilltop area. The fortress wall, which continues for about 38kms, is said to be the second longest in the world after the Great Wall of China, and the width of the ramparts is also impressive.

Après la belle mais bruyante ville d'Udaipur (les indiens affectionnent leurs klaxons !), nous avions hâte de retrouver un peu de paix à la campagne. Nous avons traversé de beaux paysages pour atteindre Kumbhalgarh, observant le travail dans les champs et les villages en route.

Kumbhalgarh est un endroit incroyable - une forteresse immense construite au 15e siècle dans un site isolé et splendide. On dit que les remparts, qui courent pendant à peu près 38kms, sont les plus longs au monde après la grande muraille de Chine, et leur largeur est aussi impressionnante.

                Just for fun, I have added some photos of Elliot and Luca below - enjoy !
          Juste pour le fun j'ai ajouté quelques photos d'Elliot et Luca ci-dessous - profitez !



  1. Hi guys, great photos! See the boys are still managing to gel their hair! The fortress looks very impressive. You've obviously been doing your homework again, Lesley, to know about that place! Take care and much love to you all. xx

  2. Hi mom, good to hear from you. We tried skyping you yesterday I think, but no joy. Hope you're enjoying bonny Scotland ! Love to all there xxxx

  3. Excellent les photos des gars. En plus, on les reconnait bien....

  4. Again, great photos. Thank you. How did you manage to pick out such great places and know about the public transport, etc. ? Nice photographs of the boys playing in the trees. I see Elliot has had hair highlights on his travels. Keep up the good work. I'm following your progress on Google Map. Can't wait until the next stop. There may be a clue.......maybe :-)

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  5. I agree with Croftie... You are unbelievable !!!
    We look forward to discover what will come next... Bisous à vous 4
