Monday, 26 October 2015

Ghandi Smriti

We did not want to leave India without paying our respects to one of its most important figureheads : Mathatma Ghandi, otherwise known as Father of the Nation. On our very last day in Delhi we jumped into a tuk tuk and went to Ghandi Smriti, the former Birla House, where Ghandi spent the last 144 days of his life and where he was assasinated on 30th January 1948.

The memorial is a very peaceful and moving place with exhibitions about Ghandi's life as well as the very sparse and simple room where he spent much of his time, and the path showing his last footsteps taken while going to meet his followers in prayer before being shot at the spot where the Martyr's Column now stands.

Why can the world not know more like him ?

Nous ne voulions pas quitter l'Inde sans rendre hommage à un de ses grands hommes : Mahatma Ghandi, ou le Père de la Nation. Pendant notre dernière journée à Delhi nous avons sauté dans un tuk tuk pour aller au Ghandi Smriti où Ghandi a passé les 144 derniers jours de sa vie et ou il a été assassiné le 30 janvier 1948.

Le mémorial est un endroit paisible et émouvant avec des expositions sur la vie de Ghandi, la chambre spartiate où il passait la plupart de son temps, ainsi que le chemin de ses derniers pas vers le lieu des prières où il a reçu les balles qui l'ont tuées, endroit où la colonne du Martyr est aujourd'hui érigée.

Pourquoi le monde ne connaît pas plus d'hommes comme lui ?

Ghandi and Ghandi

                                                               Ghandi's room

                                                  The path on which he took his last steps

                                                     The place where he was shot


  1. Yes. A remarkable man. Hard to imagine he was a bit of a rebel in his younger days. It must be sad for you to be leaving India. You have visited some great places, met lovely people and gave us some great stories and photographs along the way.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Quelle belle façon de dire au revoir à l'Inde...

  4. Replies
    1. Et bien le Sri Lanka, nous y sommes déjà, mais pas encore eu le temps d'en parler sur le
